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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The only time I have to myself is at work, when everyone leaves early. 
So i take advantage of that..

"Guido" (boss) left early for errand in St. Auggie, and the handyman finally left. 
So I started blasting music like normally.
Since I handle customer service calls, I get interrupted every 5-10 mins. It always happens while i'm enjoying part of my day >.>

That's not the worst part.

I happened to be in a singing mood today.
(You can tell where I'm going with this)
I was singing along to Head over Feet by Alanis Morissette.
The thing with that is, ha, it was karaoke version.
So i'm belting this song out to myself, working and what-not..
When out of nowhere I hear "Hello..?"

It was the Fedex guy...and he was black!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist. I just know that he probably doesn't know who Alanis Morissette even is. It wasn't even the cool black Fedex guy either, it was some new guy. 
He smiled really awkwardly at me and said "I didn't think anyone was here"
I was horribly embarrassed. 

I'll leave you with this:
I hope we don't have to mail anything again for a lonnnngggg time.