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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Work Work Work Work Work damn it.

I bet any guy 5$ that every single time someone asks me "what are you doing?", I reply with "working" or "nothing".

But that is all I do! Monday through Saturday night is me working. The only chance you can see me is if you go to my work or catch me on Sunday. I hate it. I'm only 20 and I have no life. 

It's understandable that you have to work to make money, but I don't ever see the money I make. Its calculated out before I even finish the week. 

And who the hell wants to do anything on Sunday anyways? That's lazy day for me. 
Not like I would have the energy to do anything on another day. 
By 8pm I'm ready to go to bed. 

Isnt that ridiculous? I know I'm not the only one who sees something wrong here. 
Where is my time? Can I have fun? 

I can't even enjoy a Saturday at home without having to worry about when work stuff is going to come in. 
I'm always stressing out, always getting yelled at for something. It's never a good day. 

I know life isn't fun, work is work. "hey, at least you have a job".

Yeah yeah. 

You deal with my life for a month and try to keep my composure. 
I'd like to see it.